Stepping forward towards excellence. Yes! That's what all of us are dream of. I BELIEVE!
Some may start their 1st day in 2011 with prayer & wishes...
Some may start it by writing down their new plans and aims...or perhaps,
some may start it by counting down 3,2,1.. 0000 hours : Jan. 01, 2011
Whatever it is, I BELIEVE that each of us has a strong willing to pursue outstanding achievements in 2011, isn't?!
A new day has come. So, why not we alter ourselves and shift our paradigm for a better performance? This is the MOMENT! It is very unfortunate when we could see many of our teenagers are influenced by hedonisme. This is not an accusation but it's true because without shameness we could see lots of teenagers were loitering during the night of New Year, the worst; was some of them were caught drinking alcohol at pub in the city. You can read by yourself in online newspaper about how many Muslim teenagers have been caught for drinking alcohol.
Therefore, we must realize that to be a 'somebody' we should not only wish BUT we should also put our wishes into effort! Anyone may claim that he/she will be a 'somebody' but not everyone can prove that he/she IS a 'SOMEBODY'...why?? simply because it's plan without action!

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