For indeed, it is not eyes that are blinded, but blinded are the hearts which are within the breasts. [22:46]
Friday, 18 December 2009
Warkah Cinta Untuk Kamu!
* ************************ **SURAT DARI SETAN UNTUK MU
Aku melihatmu kelmarin, saat engkau memulai aktiviti harianmu.
kau bangun tanpa sujud mengerjakan subuhmu
Bahkan kemudian, kau juga tidak mengucapkan ‘Bismillah’ sebelum memulai santapanmu,
juga tidak sempat mengerjakan shalat Isha sebelum berangkat ketempat tidurmu
Kau benar2 orang yang bersyukur, Aku menyukainya
Aku tak dapat mengungkapkan betapa senangnya aku melihatmu tidak merubah cara hidupmu..
Hai Bodoh, Kamu millikku.Ingat, kau dan aku sudah bertahun-tahun bersama,dan aku masih belum bisa benar2 mencintaimu .Malah aku masih membencimu, karena aku benci Allah.Aku hanya menggunakanmu untuk membalas dendamku kepada Allah.Dia sudah mencampakkan aku dari surga, dan aku akan tetap memanfaatkanmu sepanjang masa untuk mebalaskannya
Kau lihat, ALLAH MENYAYANGIMU dan dia masih memiliki rencana-rencana untukmu dihari depan.Tapi kau sudah menyerahkan hidupmu padaku, dan aku akan membuat kehidupanmu seperti neraka.
Sehingga kita bisa bersama dua kali dan ini akan menyakiti hati ALLAH
Aku benar-benar berterimakasih padamu, karena aku sudah menunjukkan kepada NYA siapa yang menjadi pengatur dalam hidupmu dalam masa2 yang kita jalani
Kita nonton film ‘porno’ bersama, memaki orang, mencuri, berbohong, mempersenda dan mempermain kan perasaan orang, munafik, makan sekenyang-kenyangya, bergosip, manghakimi orang, menghujam orang dari belakang, tidak hormat pada orang tua ,
Tidak menghargai Masjid, berperilaku buruk.
TENTUNYA kau tak ingin meninggalkan ini begitu saja.
Ayuhlah, Hai Bodoh, kita terbakar bersama, selamanya.
Aku masih memiliki rencana2 hangat untuk kita.
Ini hanya merupakan surat penghargaanku untuk mu.
Aku ingin mengucapkan ‘TERIMAKASIH’ kerana sudah mengizinkanku
memanfaatkan hampir semua masa hidupmu.
Kamu memang sangat mudah dibodohi, aku menertawakanmu..
Saat kau tergoda berbuat dosa kamu menghadiahkan tawa.
Dosa sudah mulai mewarnai hidupmu.
Kamu sudah 20 tahun lebih tua, dan sekarang aku perlu darah muda.
Jadi, pergi dan lanjutkanlah mengajarkan orang-orang muda bagaimana berbuat dosa.
Yang perlu kau lakukan adalah merokok, mabuk-mabukan, berbohong, berjudi, bergosip, dan hiduplah se-egois mungkin.
Lakukan semua ini didepan anak-anak dan mereka akan menirunya.
Begitulah anak-anak .
Baiklah, aku persilakan kau bergerak sekarang.
Aku akan kembali beberapa detik lagi untuk menggoda mu lagi.
Jika kau cukup cerdas, kau akan lari sembunyi, dan bertaubat atas dosa-dosamu.
Dan hidup untuk Allah dengan sisa umurmu yang tinggal sedikit.
Memperingati orang bukan tabiatku, tapi diusiamu sekarang dan tetap melakukan dosa, sepertinya memang agak aneh.
Jangan salah sangka, aku masih tetap membencimu.
Hanya saja kau harus menjadi orng tolol yang lebih baik dimata ALLAH.
Catatan :Jika kau benar2 menyayangiku (iblis), kau tak akan memberi surat ini dengan siapapun
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Produk Perangsang???
Sengaja saya letakkan tajuk 'Produk Perangsang???' sebagai tajuk post saya kali ini. Pasti anda tertanya-tanya kenapa, bukan?
Hari ini saya ingin b'kongsi pengetahuan saya yang sedikit ini dgn pembaca sekalian. Ia berkenaan tentang persoalan yg sering b'legar di minda saya ttg kenapa kita mesti berwudhu sebelum melakukan ibadah khusus spt solat, membaca Al-Quran dan lain2?? Dan apa kena-mengenanya wudhu dengan tajuk saya hari ini... Jadi, apa tunggu lagi..jom baca perenggan seterusnya!!! :-)
Setiap kali saya berwudhu, setiap kali itu juga persoalan ini bermain di fikiran..namun saya masih belum ketemu jawapannya. Akhirnya, baru2 ini selepas membaca sebuah buku yg baru dibeli bertajuk 'Quran Saintifik' oleh Dr. Danial Zainal Abidin, saya mendapat jawapannya.
Allah itu Maha Bijaksana. Setiap suruhan dan laranganNya pasti mempunyai hikmah tertentu. Begitu juga dengan wudhu yang diwajibkan kepada kita.
Mengikut kajian perubatan Cina, badan kita mempunyai 700 bahagian aktif. 66 daripadanya sangat mudah terangsang dengan sentuhan.
Hebat tak hebat, kebijaksanaan Allah ini, sebenarnya kita tak perlu bersusah payah mencari pusat refleksologi lagi selepas ini kerana 61 bahagian daripada 66 bahagian tersebut terdapat pada bahagian yang disentuh ketika wudhu.
Oleh itu, untuk mendapatkan kesan refleksologi yang baik, kita mestilah berwudhu dengan sempurna, iaitu menggosok bahagian wudhu dengan sempurna termasuk pada kawasan yang sulit seperti celah-celah jari tangan dan jari kaki, melebihkan sapuan wudhu dengan melebihkan kawasan biasa seperti membasuh muka melebihi kawasan muka yang biasa, membasuh tangan melebihi kawasan siku, membasuh kaki melebihi kawasan buku lali.
Mengikut kajian Dr. Magomed Magomedov, apabila kawasan muka disentuh semasa berwudhu, ia merangsang saraf utk 'recharge' organ-organ seperti usus, perut, pundi kencing dan sistem peranakan dan saraf.
Kawasan kaki kanan pula merangsang saraf yang berhubung dengan sistem tulang, usus, pankreas, hempedu, tiroid dan kawasan pinggang.
Manakala, kaki kiri apabila digosok dan dibasuh, mengelokkan kelenjar pituitary dan merangsang bahagian otak yang mengawal sistem endokrin.
Sebenarnya, jika ingin diulas tentang Wudhu & Sains ini, terlalu banyak faedahnya! Sekiranya anda berminat untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang islamic ritual & science, saya sarankan anda semua membeli buku Quran Saintifik ini. Ianya dah pun terjual lebih 30, 000 naskhah!!
Jadi, kenapa tidak kita cuba menghayati ibadah yang kita lakukan setiap hari ini melalui perspektif sains??? Rasanya, wang takkan terasa luak pun jika anda gunakannya utk menambah ilmu.
Teringat pula saya akan kata-kata Imam Syafie', "Ilmu itu lebih baik drpd harta kerana harta perlu dijaga sedangkan ilmu menjaga kita."
Sekianlah drpd saya. Semoga anda mendapat manfaat drpd ilmu yang sedikit yang saya ada ini.
Sama-samalah kita bermuhasabah & bermujahadah. Allah jugalah yang Maha Bijaksana.
Terima kasih.
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Mendaki Tanpa Tali
Sesuatu yang menyedihkan saya telah terjadi baru-baru ini menyebabkan saya terpanggil untuk mencipta satu sajak bagi meluahkan perasaan yg t'buku di hati.
Sajak ini saya dedikasikan buat teman-teman yg istimewa, teman seperjuangan, dan khususnya buat teman yang menjadi sumber inspirasi saya, Athirah Hazwani binti Ali.
Oleh sebab, sajak ini sgt signifikan bg saya, saya sgt berharap jika pembaca copy & paste sajak ini, diminta nyatakan sekali nama saya sebagai pengkarya. KEJUJURAN anda akan dibalas oleh ALLAH SWT.
Dengan Nama Allah yg Maha Pengasih Lagi Maha Pemurah.
Terimalah sajak saya yg bertajuk, Mendaki Tanpa Tali.
Perjalanan ini penuh pancaroba,
Meredahnya tanpa cahaya ibarat si buta yang berjalan tanpa tongkatnya,
Ada masa, ada ketika,
Aku jatuh terduduk, kerana cahaya yang menyuluh perjalanan ini tak juga aku temui,
Walau kaki dah menjejak seribu langkah ke hadapan,
Aku masih dilanda kebuntuan.
Namun, demi perjuangan suci!
Pasti akan ku cantas kebuntuan ini,
Ya Allah, Ya Tuhan,
Aku butuhkan teman,
Teman penunjuk jalan,
Teman pembakar semangat perjuangan,
Menuju gerbang impian,
Gerbang syurgaMu, Ya Tuhan.
Bila tiba suatu masa,
Biar sehebat manapun ribut yang melanda,
Pasti akan ku redah jua,
Mendaki ke puncak destinasi,
Bernama, "Redha Illahi".
Namun tak mungkin,
Puncak itu dapatku daki tanpa tali,
Tali ukhuwah yang sejati.
Wahai teman,
Jika kau baca coretanku ini,
Terima kasih, menjadi sumber inspirasi.
Hasil nukilan,
Nurhafizah Ibrahim
Shah Alam, Selangor D.E.
15hb Disember 2009.
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
The Evergreen Miss World
Assalamualaikum wbt. Here we meet again! How are you, brothers and sisters?
Alhamdulillah it is a great blessings that we still alive as a Muslim. Hope all of us will grab this opportunity to keep improving ourselves day by day.
Just now, something was across my mind. Reading newspaper this morning, reminded me of someone who is so special and beautiful. Perhaps she should be awarded the title of “The Evergreen Miss World” because of her non-comparable beauty. But it’s disappointing for not having the chance to meet her at all.
It was told that her beauty can make the iceberg at North Pole & South Pole melts because of too astonish of her extraordinary beauty. The colourful flowers will spread out its petals. The sun rises from the East and brighten the day and make it a perfect morning. When she smiles, the ice at poles is melting. There will be radiant light comes from her that would make all the creatures not being able to stare at her even just for a moment. Since nobody is more beautiful than her, she is then, becoming the leader of beautiful angels in Paradise.
She is the prettiest woman in the world not because of her physical appearance nor because of her outer beauty but it is all about the inner beauty that boosted out her outer beauty and at last, has made her the most beautiful woman in the world!
She is a Muslimah who takes great care of her ‘aurat’, who performs solah at the early minutes, who speaks softly and only when it is needed, who is consistent in encouraging people to do good deeds and discouraging people from doing what ALLAH forbids. And the most important thing, she is a humble person who does every thing just because of her love towards ALLAH and not other than that.
She’s Ainul Mardhiah whose name had been mentioned in hadith.(if I'm not mistaken).
Hopefully, she can be an exemplary and a great booster for us to be a better Muslimah who can be with the Prophets & siddiqin in ‘Syurga Firdaus’ during the Day of Judgement. Amiin.
Last not least, all good things come from Allah the Greatest and any deficiency or drawback comes from my own weaknesses. Please feel free to give me any good suggestion or critics for the improvement of my blog content.
Thank you. Wassalam. :)
Monday, 19 October 2009
Today I'd like to invite my readers to enjoy reading a poem about friendship and at the same time learn new thing which is I believe essential to each of us.
"Look at this Universe,
Do we realize that ALLAH is the Greatest?
While us are smaller than viruses??
Oh my dear sisters & brothers,
In our friendship there's the love,
Which is only a micro part of His blessings,
I think you're the one who deserves,
To know a very special thing,
Just look at the sky,
Whenever your heart feels empty and like wants to cry,
Because the stars represent you and I,
A friendship that never dies.
Rasulullah SAW had once said, I just paraphrase it to my own words sound like this...
"...if you do love your friends and you're very sincere to your feelings, tell them that you love them so that they will appreciate you and Allah will love you more."
Okay, yea..I've to go now..back to my college.
Please for my success in my final exam this 2nd Nov.
Thank you. Wassalam.
Monday, 1 June 2009
I hope my lovely readers will understand my situation very much and are willing to wait for the next post even it may take a long time.
So, today I'd like to discuss on how to be a Muslim Global Champion (MGC). There are few things that we always leave it behind and the consequence is we could not be MGC.
i) Plan our work and work our plan..well, if u fail to plan, u plan to fail.
ii) To be united is the most important thing..never ever try to underestimate others. Everyone has his/her unique ablities that the others don't have. So, if we stay united as Muslim society, we can complement one another and as the advantage we may overcome our shortcomings easily.
iii) This is the most essential thing that each of us must do which is to understand Quran thoroughly. In Quran, Surah Al-Kahf:18, verse 1,
"Praise be to Allah who has revealed the Book to His servant and did not make it crooked."
Apparently, the verse has explained to us that Al-Quran is the best guidance for human beings. So, are you trying to deny it? If the answer is "Yes!", I think it is better if you continue reading this blog because it is obvious that you know NOTHING about ISLAM as the BEST RELIGION in the world... :-)
Dr. Maurice Bucaille, a well-known surgeon in France and also a great author had wrote a book titled La Bible, Le Coran et la Science. It is one of his famous books. While arguing on Quran and Bible in the context of astrophysics, he said, "There is no dissension between Quran and the knowledge in modern era that related to natural phenomenon." What is being stressed here is when we compare the Quran and the Old Testament, the statements in the Old Testament related to the same issue is NOT SCIENTIFIC! For example, there are accusations about Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) imitated the contents of Bible.
Well, it's exactly a silly accusation! It's impossible for a man lived 1400 years ago to make amendment on non-scientific statements in that ages that only could be understood and proven by todays modern scientific researches!
So, now will you agree with me that Quran is the best guidance and there is none comparable to it since it comes from the Almighty ALLAH, the Creator of the universe, posseses complete and perfect knowledge, there is no room for doubt about its contents.
In Surah Al-Baqarah : 2, verse 1-7, Allah has said,
"Alif Lam Meem. [1]
This is the Book (the Quran) in which there is no doubt. It is a guidance for the God conscious,[2]
who believe in the Unseen, establish Salah and spend in charity out of what We have provided for their sustenance;[3]
who believe in this Revelation (the Quran which is sent to you (O Muhammad) and the Revelations which were sent before you and firmly believe in the Hereafter [4]
They are on true Guidance from their Rabb and they're the ones who will attain salvation.[5]
Surely, those who reject faith; it is the same, whether you warn them or you do not, they will not believe.[6]
Allah has sealed their hearts and their hearing, on their eyes there is a veil, and there is a grievous punishment for them.[7]"
Sodaqallahul 'azim.
In a nutshell, as a Muslim, it is my fervent hope to see all of us unite and be the honourable Muslim nation. Not as an ordinary Muslim but we stand as an outstanding Muslim nation or MUSLIM GLOBAL CHAMPIONS! By this moment, we MUST CHANGE FOR THE BETTER and believe that we're MGC! Talk to yourself, "I am not afraid to stand alone, if ALLAH is by my side I'm always strong! I AM MUSLIM GLOBAL CHAMPION!"
Wassalam. :)
Sunday, 31 May 2009
To my beloved readers,
If you're interested to chat with me today.
You may add me on YM,
I'll be online from 1630 hours to unspecified period
and also maybe tonight at 2230 hours (Malaysia time).
I would be glad to know more about my blog readers since you're the ones
who've made me feel determined to be the best Muslim blogger ever.
Maybe this is the right time for us to know each other better.
So, why not u grab this golden opportunity???
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Solah Is More Than What You Know!!!
Before starting our discussion, let me ask you few questions. What do u know about solah? What do u think of it? Ritual matter or a lifestyle? Don't u think that Islam is an easy way of life? So, why must we perform solah 5 TIMES A DAY while in other religions they just pray to their God usually once a week or at least 2 times a day? Don't you think it's a waste of time, energy and burdening? So, what's your perspective towards this compulsory ritual routine? HEY, IT'S BURDENING & WASTING YOUR TIME!!!! SO, DON'T TAKE IT SERIOUSLY!! BELIEVE IN ME! SOLAH IS NOTHING...
if you don't read this!
Solah is not only a ritual matter but it's also a good exercise, meditation & medication. It's proven by scientific research in University Malaya (Biomedical in Engineering Faculty) & University Airlangga Surabaya (Immunology in Medical Faculty). Every movement in solah has scientific benefits. It is as shown below:
1. Niat/Nawaitu : We set our mind and soul to be focus when we perform solah and to
do solah sincerely for Allah only.
2. Qiyam:


It's good to prevent shoulder and backbone pain.

-Intercostal muscles and lungs expand
- Muscles become bigger and stronger
- Blood can be sent easily through arteries and veins
- Can prevent arteriosclerosis (contraction of blood capillary)
- Reduce the risk to suffer tuberculosis (TBC) that due to
contraction of intercostal muscles.

Sit on left foot with bent right toes.

Tahiyat Akhir>>
- Deoxygenated blood is carried back to heart easily.
- Can prevent Peudendal Neuralgia (pelvic floor dysfunction)
Actually, there are much more benefits that were revealed by science discovery but I think it's enough for today's discussion. If you're really interested about the relationship between Islamic lifestyles and scientific breakthrough, you're advised to find books about that at the nearest bookstores preferably at MPH Bookstores (Malaysia). Nowadays, more and more people get to know the beauty and perfection of Islam as the best way of life. So, why not us as Muslims reveal the truth??? Read more, and you'll gain more because you're advised to do so through Surah al-'Alaq; verses 1-5.
[بِسْÙ…ِ اللَّÙ‡ِ الرَّØْÙ…َـنِ الرَّØِيمِ ]
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1. Read! In the Name of your Lord Who created.) (2. He has created man from a clot.) (3. Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous.) (4. Who has taught by the pen.) (5. He has taught man that which he knew not.)
Thank you. Wassalam.
Saturday, 17 January 2009
Doa Nabi Muhammad SAW
Ya Allah, bagimu segala pujian,
Engkaulah yang menegakkan langit dan bumi
Dan apa-apa yang berada di dalamnya
Ya Allah, bagimu segala pujian,
Kepunyaanmu seluruh kerajaan langit dan bumi
Dan apa-apa yang berada di dalamnya
Ya Allah, bagimu segala pujian,
Engkaulah cahaya langit dan bumi
Dan apa-apa yang berada di dalamnya
Hanya bagimu segala puji,
Engkaulah Sang Mahahaq,
Janjimu itu Maha Benar,
Pertemuan denganmu adalah benar,
Kata-katamu adalah benar,
Syurga itu benar, Neraka itu benar,
Para nabi itu adalah benar,
Muhammad adalah benar,
Dan hari kiamat itu adalah benar,
Ya Allah, hanya untukmu aku menyembah,
Hanya kepadamu aku beriman,
Hanya kepadamu aku bertawakal,
Ya Allah,
Kepadamu aku kembali,
Keranamu aku berjuang, dan
Kepadamu pula aku berhakim.
Ampunilah dosa-dosaku yang terdahulu dan terkemudian,
Ampunilah aku daripada dosa yang aku sembunyikan,
Dan yang aku nampakkan,
Dan daripada semua dosa-dosaku yang Engkau lebih mengetahui daripada diriku.
Engkaulah yang menyegerakan, dan Engkaulah yang mengakhirkan,
Tiada Tuhan melainkan Engkau,
Dan tiada daya dan kekuatan melainkan kerana Engkau,
Ya Allah…
(Hadis Riwayat Bukhari)
Sunday, 11 January 2009
Why Are You So Inferior??
Assalamualaikum wbt. Alhamdulillah, today I still have been given from Almighty Allah the ability to hold my pen and write something again for all of you. It will be ‘Mission & Vision’ as our discussion topic. Well, as we know today, the biggest world economic ruler is not among us, i.e. Islamic country. Yet it is our most powerful and inhuman enemies as the rulers, who else if not
Have the courage to continue your reading.
To conquer world economy, it is not a small matter but it’s still possible if we know the way to conquer it. The key is “
But the problem might rise when it comes to the time to learn, to study and to gain knowledge. This is because most of us (Muslims) especially Malays are too lazy to give some effort for their own good. They are too pampered and at last become (I’m sorry to say…) “RUBBISH!” They expect they will get everything they want as easy as ABC without sacrifice something. The main reason they become like this is they have NO MISSION AND VISION. I’m very sure if you ask some of us about what they want to achieve and to get by 10 years from now they cannot answer it easily even if we give them 24 hours to think about it! It’s a FACT!
As I’m here not to babbling around and not to beat around the bush, it is better if I talk straight to the point and discuss with all of you on how to solve this BIG MATTER.
- Take a few of papers and a pen. Find a quiet and comfortable place for you to “muhasabah”.
- Think about what you want to be and to achieve by 10 years from now. Write it in sequence (from 1st year to the 10th year). Write as much as you wish.
- You think about it and write it without thinking of obstacles you will have to face in order to achieve it. Think like you’ll get everything you wish.
- Take your time to ponder. It doesn’t matter even if it will take more than 24 hours for you to really assure of what you want. The most important thing is it is never too late to ponder about it even if you’re 30 year-old now. At least, you’ll know and understand yourself better.
- After that, you have to be a new person because now you have your own mission to be completed. Once you write your missions on paper, and keep it safely it means you already promised to yourself that you must be a motivated and very determined person to achieve your missions no matter how much obstacles you have to face. KEEP YOUR PROMISE!
- Bear in mind, Allah had reminded us twice in Surah al-Insyirah (1st – 8th verses) translated in English;
O Prophet! Have We not expanded your breast for you[1]
and relieved you from the burden[2]
which weighed down your back,[3]
and exalted your fame?[4]
Surely, with every difficulty there is relief.[5]
Surely, with every difficulty there is relief.[6]
Therefore, when you are free from your daily task, devote your time to the labor of worship[7]
and turn all your attention towards your Rabb.[8]
Reference: English Translation of the Meaning of Al-Quran
by Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam Malik
(The Institute of Islamic Knowledge,
At last but not least, if you have something that you are hesitate or do not know, please have your pleasure to take some time and read and learn from Al-Quran and Sunnah. They are the best guides for us. Alhamdulillah, we are Muslims.
That’s all for now. See you again in the next discussion. Be pleased to give me your feedbacks and great suggestions. Assalamualaikum w.b.t.
“May Almighty Allah guide us to the right path.”
P.S. Please paste the papers that you have used to write your missions and visions at the place that you will easily to look at it everyday. It will works just if you give your very best effort with ‘tawakal’.
Saturday, 3 January 2009
Great Quote
Assalamualaikum to my beloved readers. First and foremost, I’d like to wish all of u a very “Happy New Year”. After a long time I haven’t update my blog [] for the reason of having no idea to write about and was so busy helping my mum doing house chores so I think today is the right time to write something for good. I hope all of us are in the pink and already think about a new resolution and goal to be achieved in this year 2009.
I know it is our fervent hope to achieve everything that we set as our new year’s goal but bear in mind, it’ll be nothing if we just put it as a plan but not work on the plan. Well, it was said by an English philosopher, “Plan your work, and work your plan,” and there is also a proverb says, “If u fail to plan, u plan to fail”. So, think about it!
After knowing the importance of setting goals, here is a good thing for you to ponder. A few days before I got my PMR result, I was ponder about my past achievements and how I want to make it a great continuous achievement. Alhamdulillah, something was popped up in my mind and I have found a great quote to be shared. I got the inspiration from some of my friends that always have a study group with me at school. They love to ask me to share secret recipe of my good achievement. However, it is not my intention to behave with swank. So, I must thank Allah too for giving me this opportunity and advantage.
So, back to the main point, the nice quote is “I never say that you can’t be successful, but it’s just you’re not ‘crazy’ enough to be successful”. I think it sounds great and make people curious to know what the meaning is.
The word ‘crazy’ I mentioned earlier doesn’t mean mental disorder but it means when you do something you MUST do it with your heart and soul so that you can achieve almost everything you wish. Insya-Allah.
Now, let me explain the meaning better in aspect of:
1. Time: Crazy means you do something with ‘istiqamah’ or continuous effort.
2. Determination: Once you start to think about how to reach your goal and give some effort, you should never ever give up in way to achieve it until you really achieve what you want to.
3. Attitude: You must crazy enough to always think positive in whatever situation you face. You should always think like successful people for they always achieve what they want. Tell your friends about your dreams & wishes. Believe that you can achieve it and actually already achieved half of it when you think positively.
4. Imagination: Crazy means you should practice to imagine ‘wild’ imagination that will always lead you to future success. Well, Albert Einstein had once said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge”. Try it, it’s joyful!
E.g. Imagine you achieve your goals, your dreams come true &
everything you wish to have and to be.
5. Doa’: Yup, surely, it is the most important thing you must do after you give your very very best. Allah knows best for us. And He is the only one that can determine our fate. So, have faith in Him even if we don’t get what we wish. Believe that Allah knows the best. Remember, “Doa itu senjata mukmin”.
So, I think that’s all for now. Later, I’ll hold my pen again and write something useful to share with all of you.
Thank You. :-)